#23 unserialize in /home/runcloud/webapps/mp3/public/vendor/phpfastcache/phpfastcache/lib/Phpfastcache/Core/Pool/DriverBaseTrait.php:236 #24 Whoops\Exception\ErrorException in /home/runcloud/webapps/mp3/public/vendor/phpfastcache/phpfastcache/lib/Phpfastcache/Core/Pool/DriverBaseTrait.php:236 Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message "unserialize(): Error at offset 20296 of 20480 bytes" If you wish a hassle free way to download Flash video files and convert them to MP3 files, the aptly named FLV2MP3 online service can be a good place to start.Unserialize(): Error at offset 20296 of 20480 bytes Some allow you to convert into various file formats, while others offer one format only. There are stand alone converters you can find. Once you’ve got the Flash video downloaded, you may want to convert it into a format that is much easier to use on other devices, say, your smart phone or iPod. Once installed, the extension will automatically detect media files on your browser page and give you the option to download the video.

Another option is to install a downloader extension. In most cases, these online services will allow you to download videos that are up to 30 minutes long. How long a download will take will depend greatly on the size of the file you wish to download and your Internet connection. After you have supplied the URL, a download button will appear. In most cases, these online services will require you to copy the URL for the video you want to keep and paste this into the designated field. There are web-based conversion programs which allow you to grab videos from a long list of streaming sites. There are various ways to download FLV files. Go to to learn more about this free service. Some users download Flash videos so they can save it in their mobile devices to show to their friends or to keep themselves entertained even when there is no Internet connection, like during trips. This spares you the trouble of having to search again and waiting for the video to load if you want to watch it later on. Primarily, downloading a Flash video file allows you to watch it offline. Many people download FLV files for various reasons.